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Merchant Navy Officers Pension Fund

Late retirement

You may want to take your pension later than your Normal Pension Age (NPA), for example, if you are still working. If you take late retirement, your pension will be increased, depending on your age, as it is likely to be paid for a shorter time.

Late retirement for deferred members

If you choose to postpone your retirement and remain in employment after Normal Pension Age (NPA), the pension earned up to NPA will increase from NPA to the date you choose to receive your pension. The size of the increase is calculated by the MNOPF’s Actuary and can vary from time to time.


Pension earned up to NPA, times Increase factor

How do I get a late retirement illustration of benefits?

Please contact myMNOPFpension who will be able to provide an illustration of your retirement benefits.

Will my pension receive increases?

Once your pension starts, certain parts of your pension may be granted increases. 

See pension payments for more details.